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Student Life

Lianhe Zaobao Student Correspondents' Club

Instagram handle: @sph_txy

SYD EXCO team, 2022 - 2023


SYD EXCO team, 2021 - 2022

2021 - 2023

Chairperson of Lianhe Zaobao Student Correspondents' Club, Photography Department 
(SYD 摄影队)

After having the privilege of becoming the chairperson of my department, I often planned and organised photo walks for my members to hone their skills when shooting at various locations at various times of the day. I do plan training sessions too, where we invited actual photojournalists from SPH to give talks and hands-on sessions for the members to learn new skills and improve themselves. Along with my 2 other EXCO members, we worked together to come up with different themes for members to submit their photos for 镜看, a 2-page section where photos from my department are featured on.

2020 - Present

Member of Lianhe Zaobao Student Correspondents' Club, Photography Department
(SYD 摄影队)

As a formal member of the club, I took on the role as a mentor to my junior interns and took the initiative to work with other members from my school to publish more articles concerning our school's different activities and programmes held.

2019 - 2020

Intern at Lianhe Zaobao Student Correspondents' Club 

During my probation year, I had to constantly hold meetings with my group members to create articles, and learn more from my seniors to hone both my writing and photography skills. When writing my own article, I put my writing skills to the test and succeeded.

Student Council Board

Instagram handle: @cchm_sc


SC EXCO team, 2021 - 2022

2021 - 2022

Vice-President of the Student Council Board

After being invested as the Vice-President of the board, I worked closely together with the EXCO team and teachers-in-charge to plan and execute school-wide events such as Teachers' Day celebrations and Student Leaders' Investiture. I also took care of the welfare of the board, and was mainly in charge of admin matters such as updating our website.

2021 - 2022

Senior Councillor

As senior leaders in the board, we act as mentors to our junior councillors and mostly brainstorm for student-led projects, and attend leadership training sessions.

2019 - 2022

Student Councillor

As a student councillor, I participate in weekly leadership training sessions, brainstorm new ideas for student-led projects and school projects, as well as assist the school during Open Houses as student guides.

2019 - 2020

Junior Councillor

I was in my probation period while serving as a junior councillor.

Digital Media

Instagram handle: @cchmsdm


DM EXCO, 2021 - 2022

2021 - 2022

Vice-Chairperson of Digital Media

My role requires me to oversee the planning of CCA sessions conducted every Wednesday and Friday of the week, as well as take care of the welfare of my members.

2019 - 2022

Member of Digital Media

As a member of Digital Media, I partake in photography and AVA sessions, as well as photography competitions like Our Schools, Our Stories organised by MOE from 2019 to 2021. I have also participated in the Toy Design Competition organised by Singapore Polytechnic in 2019 and achieved the certificate of Participation.

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